The ATI "Media" Page

Alkaline etching
Anodic Coatings as a Base for Paint and Adhesion
Anodic Substrate
Anodizing Castings and Die Castings
Anodizing Cookware
Anodizing Specifications
Anodizing, Brush and Touch-up
Anodizing, Current Density vs. Voltage Method
Anodizing, Hardcoat
Anodizing, Type I (chromic acid)
Anodizing, Type II & Variations
Bath titration and Control
Blistering of the Anodic Coating
Boric – Sulfuric Anodizing
Cleaning, Desmutting and Pre-treatment
Coloring and Dying
Conversion Coatings
DI Water
Laser Marking or “Etching”
Rule of 720 or 312 (metric)
Teflon “Impregnation”
Testing of Anodic Coatings
Published articles by ATI CEO -Larry Chesterfield
Anodic Coatings as a Base for Paint and Adhesion
Anodizing Castings and Die Castings
Anodizing, Current Density vs. Voltage Method
Anodizing, Type I (chromic acid)
Anodizing, Type II & Variations
Blistering of the Anodic Coating
Index Of Articles By Category
The ATI Newsletter Archive Section
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